What should I do with my old fire extinguisher?

If you need to get rid of your old fire extinguisher, it is your responsibility to ensure they are disposed of in an appropriate way. Although there is no legal requirement to prove you have followed safety guidelines, you cannot simply put it in the bin. As a pressurised container, fire extinguishers can be potentially […]
Are you ignoring British Standards for fire extinguishers?

The British Standards Institute (BSI) Group produce a number of standards by which products manufactured within Britain, should adhere to. One of the objectives as laid down by the authority, The Royal Charter, is as follows: ‘Set up standards of quality for goods and services, and prepare and promote the general adoption of British […]
8 Basic fire escape must haves

No matter how many standards we comply to, how many risk assessments are completed or how many procedures we follow, accidents will happen. So, the correct equipment has been installed, including glow in the dark Jalite fire signage (or similar), hose reels, fire alarms and fire extinguishers. However, plans must be in place in […]
7 tips for the proper maintenance of portable fire extinguishers

Make sure you keep your maintenance up to date Fire authorities are actively prosecuting employers for failing to maintain essential fire safety equipment – the maximum penalty is a prison term. Don’t let this happen to you. BS5306 Part 3 requires that fire extinguishers are maintained at least annually by a competent person. This is someone […]
The risks of installing improperly sourced fire extinguishers

A new survey of members, conducted by Independent Fire Engineering & Distributors Association (IFEDA) has uncovered some alarming findings about the risks of fire extinguishers working improperly. Around 75% of those surveyed stated that their companies were now coming across fire extinguishers that had been supplied from the web. For many of these companies, the […]
Changes in Legislation to EMS 5000 Wireless Fire Alarms

We specialise in wireless fire alarm systems and have fitted numerous systems throughout Oxfordshire. Change in legislation regarding the EMS System 5000 wireless fire alarms, that came into effect last year, dictates that new installations of wireless systems must be under specific regulations as set out in European Construction Products Regulation 305/2011. Any currently installed […]
Dry Risers: The what, why and how of the vertical pipe system

Dry Risers: The what, why and how of the vertical pipe system A ‘dry riser’ is quite simply a vertical pipe system, consisting of inlet valves, pipe work and outlet valves. The system is designed to be attached to a fire engine tank within 18m of it’s inlet valve. The pipe enables water to be […]
What makes a person deliberately set fires and commit arson?

“It is with our passions as it is with fire and water, they are good servants, but bad masters.” Aesop In light of a recent arson attack on the Kassam Stadium in Oxford and the recent admission by a man of deliberately setting a series of fires, including those at the council buildings in Oxfordshire, […]
Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers at home

It is very rare to come across a home these days without acceptable smoke alarms. However, if you need to replace your old alarms, which ones do you choose? For that matter, do you need a fire extinguisher at home? Which type of extinguisher should you choose and where is the best place to position these […]